A short guide to Damon System braces

Over the years, dentists have developed many names for different orthodontic tools.

If you are an adult with a misaligned smile, you may be self-conscious about smiling in public. Luckily, there are now many options that can be used to straighten your teeth and also provide you with the visual discretion that you want. One of the most popular of these is known as the Damon System brace, which is considered to be a clear or practically invisible brace that is suitable for adults.

Never heard of it? You aren’t alone! Here you will be given an introductory guide to these clear braces Clapham, which will hopefully answer any questions you may have about its suitability for you. So, read on and enjoy!

What are Damon System braces?

First things first, the Damon System brace is a fitted brace.

That means you will not be able to remove it but it also means it can be used to treat more severe cases of misalignment.

It is known by dentists as a clear option as it is visually discrete. The brackets used to attach the wire to your teeth will be made from either clear plastic or enamel-coloured plastic to help them blend in with your natural teeth. The wire used with this brace is also thinner than the wires used in traditional braces.

As it is a fitted brace, it will require tightening or adjusting every 4-6 weeks, but this does depend on the severity of the issue being treated and will be done at your dentist’s discretion


If you have a more complex case of dental misalignment but don’t want to wear a standard metal brace, then you may be suited for treatment with the Damon System.

It can be used to rotate teeth, straighten molars and correct most cases of over, under and crossbites.

Unlike invisible aligners, there is no lower age limit for this brace but once again, the use of it to correct your misalignment should be left to the discretion of your dental team.

Treatment time

dental clinic

Like all braces and aligners, the time you wear the brace will depend on the complexity of the issue being treated.

But, with the Damon System braces, there is an average treatment time of between 12-18 months. For more advice on how long you will need to wear this brace, talk to your dentist.


Okay, so while the Damon System is a fitted brace, it employs friction-free movement to make the process of adjusting and tightening more comfortable.

The brackets and the wires slot together and, when they are tightened, they move in line with the adjustments, preventing the pressure and minimising any discomfort that usually accompanies the tightening of a fitted brace. You may still experience some discomfort post- tightening for which you should take over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. As always, if the discomfort caused by the brace or the adjustments is too much for you to handle, talk to your dentist.

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