How can teeth be straightened?

Orthodontic conditions

These conditions are one of the most ancient dental conditions known to man: even 50,000-year-old human remains have been found by archaeologists and have been demonstrated to have a condition called crooked teeth. While humanity has described these conditions numerous times throughout history, until the past 300 years no real progress has been made in the treatment of them. Some of the mummies found in Egypt have been found to have a very early form of braces, however: they used metal bands wrapped onto the teeth, which were joined together with a material that is suspected to be catgut, serving as an archwire.

The braces we know today have surprisingly only became popular in the 1970s. Prior to that, braces were mostly precious metal bands wrapped around each tooth. With the invention of the dental adhesives and the widespread use of stainless steel, metal braces have enjoyed great popularity. Certain patients, however, have aesthetic and comfort concerns associated with metal braces. There are numerous alternatives available for these patients. If you are interested in getting Invisalign around Luton, you should visit the website of Vogue Dental Care and get in touch with them.

How do braces work?

Metal and invisible braces work on the same basic principles. The brackets are attached to the surface of each tooth using a dental adhesive. These brackets are then bound together using an appliance called an archwire. This archwire is then used to apply increasing pressure on the teeth that have to be moved to their appropriate locations or positions. The biggest difference between metal and invisible braces is the material they are made out of. While in the traditional braces both the archwire and the brackets are made out of metal, in invisible braces the brackets are made out of a tooth-coloured plastic or composite material and the archwire is made out of transparent plastic. This helps invisible braces blend into their environment and makes them nearly unnoticeable. The biggest advantage of these braces is that they are suitable for nearly every patient with almost any type of orthodontic condition.

woman with clear braces smiling


Invisalign is an innovative treatment type in orthodontics. Invisible aligners are “moulds” of a patient’s dental arches made after taking a 3D recording of the oral cavity that uses no X-rays. These aligners are made out of transparent plastic and fit perfectly on your teeth therefore they are truly almost invisible. As the treatment progresses new aligners are made until the desired results are achieved. This is to alter the amount and direction of the pressure applied in order to achieve optimal results. The aligners are removable, therefore you can clean them easily. It is important to know however that you must wear them every day for at least 22 hours to make them efficient. Invisalign has a variety of benefits, including its removability, the ease of cleaning the aligners and just brushing teeth as you normally would, the improved comfort and the significantly reduced visibility. Invisalign, however, is not suitable for every patient. If you are interested in getting Invisalign around Luton, you should get in touch with Vogue Dental Care for more information.

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