Four Good Habits for Healthy Hair Growth

Your hair can say a lot about you. This is why for most people, they consider their locks as their crowning glory. The hair symbolizes many things such as your health, personality as well as a person’s hygiene. After all, this is an accessory one can never take off from their body. Because of this, it’s not surprising to see how most of people take the time to maintain and care for their tresses. The sad part is, not every hair care regimen you know is good for you.

That’s why to help you develop good and healthy hair and scalp, a hair restoration expert in the Philippines lists down some hair care habits everyone must follow. Below are some of them.

Wash Hair Twice or Thrice a Week

Daily shampooing or washing your hair may remove the natural moisture of your scalp. It may cause dryness and breakage especially if the hair product you’re using contains chemicals that are harmful to your hair. In addition, constant shampooing may lead to greasy residues which later develop into dandruff. If you don’t want to deal with that, try not to overdo the washing. Unless your dermatologist advises you to follow a specific shampooing routine, that’s the only time you can do more than two to three times of washing.

Trim It Every Three to Six Months

trimming a woman's hair

Treat your tresses to a much needed trim at least every six to eight weeks. This could help get rid of split ends which may result to unhealthy hair growth. In case you’re planning to grow out your locks longer, you may cut it every twelve weeks or every six months. By doing so, it will ensure your hair will grow healthy with less damage. Besides, experts suggest that cutting your hair on a regular basis will encourage them to grow even more.

Eat Foods That Have High Protein Content

Human hair is essentially made out of a particular type of protein which is known as keratin. Without this nutrient fueling out your body, it’ll be impossible to grow out your hair. This is why it’s important you embark on a protein-rich diet to sustain enough nutrients for your body to function well.

Other than your hair, protein is considered as the building blocks of many components in your body including the bones, muscles, skin, and blood. This is why you need a daily dose of protein in your diet. Some of the food you may consider incorporating with your meals include lean meat, fish, poultry, milk and dairy products as well as

Avoid Combing Your Hair When It Is Wet

While you care about how your hair looks like, it’s a no-no to style or comb your locks when it’s still wet. This is because your hair is in its most vulnerable state when it’s wet. The best way to style your tresses is to dry naturally or until it’s to the level of dampness. Then use a wide-toothed comb, or a brush that’s specifically made for wet hair, to brush your hair from roots to tips. Do it gently to untangle your hair.

We hope you incorporate these basic habits into your day-to-day hair care routine. Many of you might find these simple adjustments hard to adapt, but if you look at the results these will make on your hair, the regimen is more than worth the try. In addition, don’t forget to consult a hair doctor if you notice any problem with your hair and scalp. This will allow you to treat the problem immediately.

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