Do I need dental implants?

Patients may find that they are an ideal candidate for dental implants if they have a missing tooth or a set of missing teeth. This long term investment into the smile could provide stability and security to the surrounding teeth and improve a patient’s overall oral health. Patients may require this treatment as a long term solution to the issues that they face surrounding a missing tooth or indeed teeth. In the next section it will be highlighted what problems could arise if missing teeth are not taken care of. This will in turn, show why this treatment could be deemed necessary.

I have missing teeth

missing toothIf a patient has missing teeth there are numerous problems that could arise from this. The surrounding teeth could become susceptible to moving position and this could give rise to issues such as infection. The structure of the face could become compromised as the face could begin to appear sunken as the bone starts to recede. Missing teeth can create pockets where bacteria is encouraged to grow and this could allow issues such as gum disease and cavities to occur. These are the reasons why it could be a good idea for a patient with missing teeth to consider this treatment.

What are dental implants?

Dental Implants are a fixture that is placed directly at the bone in the jaw. They are a small titanium screw that can be used as a platform in which to build a replacement tooth. The replacement tooth can be a crown, a bridge or a denture and is specially sculpted to match the rest of the patient’s mouth allowing the smile to be natural looking. The end result of this treatment is a new tooth that looks, acts and feels very much like the one the patient initially lost. If the replacement tooth is taken care of then the replacement tooth can last a lifetime.

How are they fitted?

The implants are fitted into the jaw and given a period of time to heal. The specially sculpted tooth is then fitted on top of the implant after the site was given sufficient time to heal. Patients are looked after at every step of their treatment from their initial consultation right through to the end of their treatment episode. Their dentist will be on hand to answer any questions that they may have and ensure that they understand how their new tooth should be looked after and cared for. If it turns out that this treatment is not the correct one for the patient then the dentist will work with them to find another solution.

What should I do next?

If a patient thinks that this treatment could be the one for them then they should consider getting in contact with the practice. Highly trained professionals are always on hand to ensure that all patients get the treatment that they need and deserve. Movements can then be made to begin the patient’s journey to their new and improved smile. Patients can also check out the website to ensure that this is the treatment for them; on the website they will also find other treatments that are also available from this practice.

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