5 Tips to Deal With a Wisdom Tooth Extraction

  • Prepare for wisdom tooth extraction by speaking to your dentist and arranging a companion on the surgery day.
  • Follow post-operative instructions meticulously to avoid complications and expedite recovery.
  • Maintain oral hygiene with warm salt water rinses and avoid alcohol-based mouthwashes.
  • Stay hydrated and eat soft foods like applesauce, smoothies, mashed potatoes, and scrambled eggs.
  • Consider teeth replacement options if your wisdom tooth was fully erupted and functional before extraction.

Wisdom teeth extraction is a common dental procedure that many individuals undergo. While the prospect of oral surgery might be intimidating, the process is typically straightforward, and recovery is usually swift. However, there are certain steps you can take to make your experience more comfortable and speed up your recovery. Here are five tips to help you effectively deal with a wisdom tooth extraction.

1. Prepare Ahead of Time

Preparation is key for any surgical procedure, including wisdom teeth extraction. Before the surgery, ensure you understand what the procedure entails. Speak to your dentist or oral surgeon about what to expect during and after the surgery. Ask about the anesthesia options available and discuss any medical conditions or medications you have which may affect anesthesia.

Arrange for someone to accompany you on the day of the surgery. The effects of anesthesia can make it unsafe for you to drive. Additionally, prepare soft, easy-to-eat foods for the first few days following the extraction to ease your eating process.

2. Follow Post-Operative Instructions

woman with toothache

Your oral surgeon will provide detailed post-operative instructions, and it’s crucial to follow them meticulously to avoid complications and expedite recovery.

These instructions typically involve how to manage pain, swelling, bleeding, and maintaining oral hygiene. For pain and swelling, use prescribed medications and ice packs. If bleeding persists, biting gently on a gauze pad usually helps.

Avoid activities such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or strenuous exercise, as these can hinder healing. Adhering to these guidelines can dramatically improve your comfort level and speed up healing.

3. Maintain Oral Hygiene

Proper oral hygiene is critical after wisdom teeth extraction to prevent infection and promote healing.

Rinsing your mouth gently with warm salt water can help clean your mouth. Start doing this the day after surgery and continue until healing is complete. Be careful not to brush against any blood clot or the healing wound while brushing your teeth.

Avoid using mouthwash containing alcohol, as it can dry out your mouth. Instead, opt for a mild, alcohol-free mouthwash or continue with the warm salt water rinse.

4. Stay Hydrated and Eat Soft Foods

Staying hydrated and maintaining nutrition is important after wisdom teeth extraction, even if your mouth is sore.

Drink plenty of fluids, but avoid using a straw. The suction movement can dislodge the blood clot at the extraction site and delay healing, a condition known as a dry socket.

Additionally, here are some soft foods to consider:


Applesauce is a nutritious, soft food that can provide essential vitamins, such as Vitamin C. Its smooth, easy-to-swallow consistency makes it an ideal choice after wisdom tooth extraction. Applesauce helps maintain your fruit intake during recovery and keeps you refreshed with its slightly sweet and tangy taste.


Smoothies are a delicious way to stay hydrated and nourished during your recovery. You can make them at home with your preferred fruits, yogurt, or milk. They are rich in nutrients and fiber, aiding overall health and recovery. Remember not to use a straw when drinking to avoid dislodging the blood clot that forms after the extraction.

Mashed Potatoes

mashed potatoes with pestle

Mashed potatoes are comfort food that is gentle on your sore mouth and easy to swallow. This soft food is high in calories and nutrients, making it a good choice if you struggle to eat enough. You can vary the flavor by adding cheese or gravy, but serve it lukewarm, not hot.

Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled eggs are soft, easy to chew, and high in protein, which aids in healing. Adding some grated cheese or finely chopped veggies can make them a bit more flavorful. However, cook the eggs until they’re soft but not runny, and allow them to cool before eating to avoid irritating your mouth.

5. Consider Teeth Replacement Options

If your wisdom tooth was fully erupted and functional before extraction, you might notice a difference in your bite. In such cases, you might want to discuss with your dentist about a durable teeth replacement.

Investing in all-on-4 dental implants is often popular for replacing an extracted tooth. Unlike dental bridges, all-on-4 implants are permanent and mustn’t be replaced every 5-7 years. They are also more stable and comfortable than dentures. Dental implants can look and feel like natural teeth, allowing you to smile confidently without worrying about slippage or food particles getting stuck in your mouth.

Whether you choose to replace your extracted wisdom tooth depends on various factors, including its function before extraction, your overall oral health, and financial considerations. Consult with your dentist to decide what best suits your needs.

In Summary

While wisdom teeth extraction can be daunting, proper preparation, adherence to post-operative instructions, good oral hygiene, hydration and nutrition, and considering teeth replacement options can make the process significantly easier. Remember, if you experience any complications, don’t hesitate to contact your dentist or oral surgeon for advice.

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