Chronic Fatigue Symptoms and Causes Explained

Fatigue is a normal experience for all people, especially after a long day at work. But if you are experiencing it after a short period of work or still feel tired even after resting, you might be one of the one million Americans suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).

CFS is a complicated medical disorder that cannot be characterized by any pre-existing medical condition. You must be mindful of the things you are feeling or what your body is telling you. A simple feeling of being tired can mean something more serious. You need to listen to your body and see a doctor for a consultation.

RedRiver Health and Wellness Center notes that chronic fatigue help is within reach. Medically certified wellness centers are available to diagnose any condition you may have. If you are confused and unsure what you are experiencing, here are the symptoms you need to watch out for:

Fatigue Symptoms

CFS can manifest in many ways—both physical and mental. And while fatigue itself is normal, a prolonged period of fatigue should raise concerns.

Some symptoms of CFS include enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits or neck, unrefreshing sleep, unexplained muscle or joint pain, loss of memory or concentration, sore throat, and headaches.

CFS Causes

Man experiencing stomach pain

The exact cause of CFS is not yet determined, although multiple studies point to a range of reasons. Most patients suffering from CFS describe it beginning with flu-like illnesses or a stomach infection or even the common cold. Sleep problems, heart and lung impairments, and mental health issues may also cause chronic fatigue syndrome.

Other medical professionals point to the Epstein-Barr virus — the same virus that causes Mono or infectious mononucleosis. A person suffering from CFS may experience a compromised immune system and may sometimes have abnormal hormone levels in their blood. These symptoms, however, are yet to be verified.


While having one or more of these symptoms may not automatically mean you have CFS, it is still advisable that you consult your physician as these could lead to other illnesses that are more serious. Your doctor may prescribe certain medications to alleviate the symptoms and help your body recover.

Therapy is another good option. Doctors may recommend a combination of cognitive training and a low-impact exercise program. The cognitive training allows you to determine the limitations CFS imposes on your body and find the best ways to work around them and take control of your life. A physical therapist can help you find the best workouts that can keep your blood circulating without causing so much fatigue.

It is important to follow all the instructions of your counselor and therapist throughout the treatment period. Take the prescribed medication on time and get enough sleep. This will determine the outcome of the treatment program.

People in their 40s and 50s are more prone to CFS and women are two to four times more likely to be diagnosed with this condition. And while CFS may be a debilitating condition, it could lead to other—more serious—diseases. Early diagnosis and treatment is key to beating CFS.

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