More Harm Than Good: 3 Dental Care Habits That Actually Damage Your Teeth

Good dental hygiene makes for good dental health. The opposite is true as well: bad dental hygiene makes for bad dental health. The trouble is, what you think is a ‘good’ habit is sometimes the very thing that could actually damage teeth. These habits are disguised as ‘dental care,’ so beware:

1. Not cleaning bleeding gums

If you have sensitive gum tissues, it’s natural to stay away from that region when brushing so as not to further irritate it. But your efforts in protecting your oral health may actually just backfire. Bleeding gums are a sign of gum disease, which happens due to plaque buildup.

Avoiding brushing this area then can further allow bacteria to breed, putting you at risk for the worse types of periodontal disease. So, make sure to brush that area, still. And when brushing, remember: do it gently. It’s equally important to talk to your doctor about bleeding gums, too.

You want to treat gum disease as early as possible. People who suffer advanced stages of this health problem experience tooth loss over time, prompting the need for dental implants. South Jordan dental practitioners then strongly advise being on the lookout for gum health, knowing the early signs of periodontal disease.

2. Brushing hard and after every meal

At a glance, it makes sense. You brush the teeth hard to make sure that every surface is squeaky clean. You brush the teeth every after eating so you can get rid of the leftover food particles and avoid plaque build-up.

But here’s the truth: there’s no need for over brushing, and there’s such a thing as right timing when cleaning the teeth. Let’s go to over brushing first. This habit is damaging to teeth because it wears away the enamel, the protective layer of the tooth.

Over time, this makes your tooth more vulnerable to sensitivity, discoloration, and tooth decay. In the same way, when you brush teeth immediately after meals, you’re putting the enamel at risk for damage. That is, when consuming acidic food or drinks, like sodas or citrus fruits.

The acid puts the teeth in a vulnerable state. Brushing will only ‘rub’ the acid all the more into your already-weakened teeth. That’s why brushing hard is a no-no, and waiting for half an hour after eating meals is crucial.

3. Flossing too often

girl flossing teethFlossing helps get rid of food residue trapped in between teeth. People are wired into thinking that they should do this habit as often as possible, but note that too much of this can only irritate the gums.

In fact, many complain about bleeding gums when they start this habit, precisely because gums are sensitive tissues. Take the common recommendation of dentists: do it just once a day. Floss at the time when you’re not in a rush, say, before bedtime. Proper flossing requires time.

Moving too fast from one tooth to another will only result in half-cleaned surfaces. In case you experience bleeding gums, don’t stop flossing. You’ll only increase the risk for plaque buildup if you do. Just be gentle in the floss, and the bleeding should stop after a few days.

Have you been giving your teeth the right TLC it needs? Or have you fallen into these dental care myths above? Quit these habits today and start taking good care of your oral health for real.

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