Four Dental Issues You Should Not Ignore

Good oral health is essential to your overall well-being. Brushing, flossing, and gargling will not only improve your smile but also save you from serious health problems.

However, even the best-looking teeth may suffer from unexpected oral injuries. Surprise dental issues may result in acute pain and bigger problems in the long run. If you’re suffering from any of the following complications, contact a 24/7 dental provider as soon as you can.


Accidents cause trauma, which often results in tooth loss. A displaced tooth can lead to extreme pain and bleeding.

Fortunately, you can still reclaim the dislodged tooth by rinsing it off immediately with milk or water. Make sure you tuck the tooth inside your cheek to keep the root moisturized.

When it comes to traumatic dental injuries, consulting with a dentist is paramount. Depending on the severity of the injury, a dentist can still reinsert your tooth, stop the bleeding, and minimize the pain.

Severe toothache

Toothaches are usually not fatal, but they can get worse if left untreated. In some cases, they can be signs of serious medical conditions that require immediate treatment.

Throbbing tooth pain can have various causes, including decay, sinusitis, or inflammation brought by a wisdom tooth. In some cases, pulpal and gum abscess can also cause extreme discomfort. That often leads to painful chewing and biting, which can last a couple of hours to several days.

Toothaches often require immediate dental attention. Your dentist will conduct x-rays and a physical exam of your teeth to determine which type of treatment is best for you. Toothache treatments can take the form of fillings, crowns, root canals, or tooth extractions. You will also be given antibiotics to ease the discomfort.

Abscessed Gums

dental clinic

An abscess is a potentially life-threatening condition that occurs when an infected pocket of tissue develops in the gum area. Its usual symptoms include fever, severe toothache, tooth sensitivity to hot and cold, swelling in the face, tender lymph nodes in your neck, and a distinct bump on your gums.

Abscessed gums are considered as dental emergencies since untreated infections can spread to your jaw, nearby tissues, and other areas of the body. There are two main types of gum abscess. Gingival abscesses develop solely in the gum tissue when a sharp piece of food gets stuck directly into the gums. Periodontal abscesses, on the other hand, appear in the space between the gums and teeth due to injury or poor oral hygiene.

An abscess is usually treated with root canals, extractions, or specialized cleaning procedures. Before visiting the dentist, you can rinse your mouth with mild saltwater to bring the pus to the surface and lessen the pain.


Bleeding in your oral cavity is never a good sign and should not be ignored. In some cases, bleeding can be an early sign of gum disease or gingivitis and should be immediately examined before it escalates.

Blood in your saliva might indicate an advanced stage of cancer or an extremely advanced stage of gum disease. Even if you’ve had a tooth extracted, persistent bleeding could indicate a serious dental infection. Keep your head in an upright position and call your dentist right away.

Never underestimate dental emergencies. Even the smallest injuries may result in complicated infections and procedures. While an excellent dental hygiene routine can keep issues at bay, regular dental visits will keep your gums and teeth in optimal condition.

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