Everything That You Need To Know About Your Child’s First Dental Exam

Preparing your child for the first regular dental exam is a crucial part of preventive oral care. You need to ensure that they are ready for the first visit so that they wouldn’t get nervous or terrified once you step inside the dentist’s office.

During a dental exam, the dentist will thoroughly clean your child’s teeth and see if she’s at risk of developing tooth decay. There are also times when the dentist may require an X-ray to check for other signs of dental problems.

The dentist will also talk to you about your child’s diet as well as their oral hygiene habits. Additionally, you’ll also get instructed on a few practical ways to brush and floss your child’s teeth properly.

When to Bring Your Child for a Dental Exam

Several factors can determine how frequently your child needs to visit the dentist. Factors like age, health, and the risk of developing tooth decay are often considered.

During the age of 6 months to 1 year, experts recommend scheduling your child’s first oral examination once the first tooth erupts. If your child still does not have any teeth, the dental exam shouldn’t be any later than the first birthday. The dentist will check your baby’s teeth and gums to track their development.

Meanwhile, toddlers and kids who are in their school-age should be ready for regular dental checkups which would most likely occur once every six months. However, the dentist or dental hygienist may recommend more frequent visits if your child is at risk of developing any dental health issues.

Preparing Your Child for the Visit

Before you schedule a visit, you need to assess if you’re bringing your child to your family dentist or a pediatric dentist in South Jordan. Although both can perform their jobs well, pediatric dentists specialize in providing oral and dental care to kids. They also usually have kid-friendly offices, too. These offices have design features that will make children comfortable when they visit.

There are several ways to help your child prepare for their first dental exam. One way to do it is by timing your child’s visit. You need to ensure that your child gets enough rest so that she wouldn’t throw a fit once she’s inside the dental clinic.

Also, you need to remain positive throughout the day. As much as possible, avoid mentioning any words related to shot, pain, or hurt. Instead, use words that would make them feel that all the tools that the dentist will use will make their teeth healthy.

Lastly, try to listen to your child. Let them tell you their worries and give words of assurance. Letting them share their thoughts about going through a dental exam will help them relieve the tension. This is true, especially if it’s been troubling them for the past few days.

Keep Things Positive

Little girl at the dentist

These are only a few things that you need to remember about your child’s first dental exam. Remember to stay positive about the entire situation. Also, never share any of your bad experiences if you had any. Doing so makes them feel that there isn’t anything to be afraid of when visiting a dentist.

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