Digital Nomads: Take Care of Yourself When in Bali

With the advent of the Internet, the digital nomad culture has also exploded. Now you can find people who are working not in an office but in their favorite tourist destinations. One such favorite is Bali, Indonesia. There is a good reason for this: Bali is a haven for care-free living, beaches, shopping, and, of course, the endless parties. Now, before you start packing, remember that not everything goes well in paradise. You can get sick or meet an accident while there, and you need to know how to get emergency services in Bali.

Take Note of These Phone Numbers When You’re in an Emergency

It’s not a question of if; it’s a question of when. Even when you’re truly prepared, problems occur when on vacation. In case of an emergency, these are the numbers that you should call

  • Ambulance +62 361 118
  • Fire +62 361 113
  • Police +62 361 110

Typical Causes of Emergencies While in Bali

Since Bali is a favorite tourist destination, you can be sure that they have high-quality medical services. You have the option to go to a public hospital, but just like any other place in the world, a private hospital always offers better services. Here are the most common causes of health problems among digital nomads in Bali:

Upset stomach

Upset stomach

The most common illness that you could have is an upset stomach. This can be caused by the change in diet or just a lack of proper hygiene. You can minimize your chances of getting an upset stomach if you stay away from acidic food and drink only bottled water.

Animals and insect bites

Yes, animals are adorable, and there are plenty of exotic ones in Bali. But you have to remember that they can carry rabies and that their bites are painful and dangerous. You should avoid touching them and follow an “eyes only” policy when you encounter some exotic creatures. Another thing that you have to avoid is mosquito bites. You wouldn’t want to get dengue while on vacation.

Water problems

Avoid drinking from the tap while on vacation. As already mentioned, you should drink only bottled water. You don’t know what diseases you can get if you drink just anywhere.

Vehicular accidents

Oh, how exhilarating it is to ride on a motorbike. And when in Bali, this is the most common vehicle you can have to move around. It’s a handy vehicle, and it allows you to see the sites with a full view right in front of you. But you also have to realize that there are hundreds of other motorbikes that share the street with you, and this increases the chances of meeting a vehicular accident.

If you wish to travel to a care-free paradise with endless partying and shopping, you can’t go wrong with Bali, Indonesia. But before you get too excited and start packing your bags, make sure to be ready with any eventualities. Things do go wrong when on vacation, and you need to be ready when they do.

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