Dental Health 101: How to Ease Tooth Sensitivity

If you think that having sensitive teeth is because of poor genetics or plain bad luck, you might need to think again. There’s actually a chance that your sensitivity issues are caused by drinking too many acidic beverages and your very aggressive technique of brushing your teeth. The great news is that before you go running to your emergency dentist in Townsville, there are some tried and true steps that you can take to prevent and alleviate your sensitive teeth.

Be Gentle on Your Teeth

Aggressive brushing can increase your risk of developing tooth sensitivity since doing so can lead to your gums pulling away from your teeth and expose your nerves. It also won’t necessarily make your teeth cleaner. To clean your teeth, use a toothbrush with soft bristles twice a day, using short, gentle strokes. Make sure to brush your teeth for at least two minutes.

Use a Fluoride Mouth Rinse

Basically, the fluoride content in fluoride mouth rinses can help make the enamel layer of your teeth stronger and safeguard your teeth from sensitivity. Always use your fluoride mouth rinse after you brush your teeth.

Switch to a Desensitising Toothpaste

This kind of toothpaste has a particular ingredient that can help block out the sensation transmission from your teeth to your nerves. Use the desensitising toothpaste twice a day for at least a month, and you will begin to experience less sensitivity. For significantly sensitive areas, rub the desensitising toothpaste directly on those areas.

Avoid Whitening and Bleaching

In-office and at-home kits for teeth whitening or bleaching can cause temporary teeth sensitivity for some people. This means that if you’re already experiencing sensitivity but still want to whiten your teeth, make sure to inform your dentist.

Refrain from Consuming Acidic Beverages and Food

soft drink being poured into glass

These kinds of beverages and food slowly wear down the enamel of your teeth and leave them more susceptible to tooth decay and further sensitivity issues. If you must have your acidic drink or food fix, brush your teeth 30 minutes after because brushing your teeth too soon can lead to more damage to your enamel.

Consider Using a Mouth Guard

If you have bruxism, a condition characterised by teeth grinding, you can easily wear down your enamel during sleep, which can trigger sensitivity. If this applies to you, visit your dentist to talk about preventative measures such as wearing a mouth guard.

Ask Your Dentist About Appropriate Treatments

If your sensitivity issues are keeping you up at night, it’s best that you discuss treatment options with your dentist. For example, fluoride treatments, inlays, crowns, and bonding can all help protect very sensitive areas and prevent further damage. Some patients who have severe teeth sensitivity issues might need a gum graft or a root canal.

In the event that you have tried everything and nothing seems to be working, or you experience worsening symptoms, your dentist might need to do more thorough exams on you. In some cases, teeth sensitivity can indicate more severe dental issues such as gum disease, exposed roots, worn fillings, or a fractured tooth. Put simply, determine the root cause of your sensitive teeth and treat it.

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