Common Surgical Procedures in Podiatry Clinics

Your feet have over thirty-three joints and twenty-six bones, which are arranged in arches and columns to vary in flexibility and stiffness. They are separated into the hind foot, midfoot, and forefoot, which are prone to a range of issues that might be the cause of considerable pain. While some people will try various self-management procedures when faced with foot problems, these are at times ineffective.

The best treatment for foot or heel pain lies in podiatry care. Podiatry clinics have various conservative therapies for multiple issues. While these might address the cause of your discomfort, there are times when surgery becomes the best choice for your concern. Here are a few podiatry surgical procedures that might change your life into a pain-free one.

Achilles Surgery

This is designed for the repair of a ruptured Achilles tendon. The operation will be conducted using local anaesthesia. Achilles surgery involves an incision on the back of your foot just above the heel to access the muscle. The ruptured tendon is then sewn together. Achilles surgery is generally carried out a week after the ligament is torn to allow the swelling of your heel to subside. Afterwards, you will need a walking boot or cast for 6-12 weeks and a little rehabilitation to restore your foot’s functionality.

Bunion Surgery

woam with aching feet

This is designed to get rid of the bony deformities found around the toes. While some bunions can be managed using taping, physiotherapy, and orthotic devices, surgery is the ideal choice for bunions with chronic inflammation, pain, and irritation. Bunionectomy, as the procedure is known, is generally performed under local anaesthesia, though this might be combined with sedation drugs so that the patient is fully relaxed. Your foot will be elevated for 3-4 days after the procedure to relieve swelling, though you will take 5-6 weeks to regain its full functionality.

Cyst Removal

Cysts will decrease the functionality of your foot and might be uncomfortable depending on their size and location. Cyst removal is your best choice to restore your foot’s functionality and your comfort when wearing shoes. During the procedure, the cysts will be dissected. Then, the surrounding soft tissues will be removed. Most patients will need a below-knee cast or splint after their surgery to boost healing.

Heel Surgery

Plantar fasciitis and heel spurs are common issues that can affect your heel. Plantar fasciitis involves the inflammation of the fibrous band, which extends from your toes to the bone, heel while heel spurs often follow repeated stress in the fascia and muscle of your foot. Osteotomy is the ideal choice for the relief of pressure from your heel in both cases. Here, your metatarsal bone will be cut in a V-shape, lifted, and then aligned with other bones.

Podiatrists are qualified and certified to handle the given surgical procedures, so you have nothing to worry about. Compared to other treatment alternatives, podiatry surgical procedures offer long-lasting pain relief and better functionality. They might be the perfect solution if you are suffering from various foot issues.

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