The role of veneers in cosmetic dental treatment

Veneers London are an attractive solution for those who are looking to transform the appearance of their smile. Much research has been carried out in the field of veneers and over the last few decades there has been a significant growth in popularity for porcelain veneers in London. Porcelain veneers are individually tailored ceramic shells which are designed to cover the surface of your teeth. Each veneer is manufactured using the latest in digital dental technology and therefore provides results which resemble a beautiful natural smile.

Although there are different types of veneers, thanks to their natural appearance and multitude of uses, porcelain veneers have become the most sought after veneers and are a popular choice of cosmetic dental treatment throughout the world.


The use of porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers have been used in cosmetic dentistry for addressing aesthetic issues of the teeth since the 1980s. With continued research and improvement they have become a highly popular choice amongst patients of all ages. Surveys have shown that porcelain veneers have an excellent success rate and provide fantastic patient satisfaction and this makes them a great choice for addressing your dental needs. If you are looking to address multiple issues which may be affecting the aesthetic appearance of your teeth then you need to speak to your dentist in London and find out how porcelain veneers can help transform your smile.

Porcelain veneers are suitable for addressing cosmetic and structural issues which are affecting the appearance of your teeth and a smile. This includes cracks on the surface of your teeth or chips on your teeth which may have occurred as a result of an injury to your mouth. Porcelain veneers can be used to address minor misalignment issues of the teeth where orthodontic treatment is not necessary. They can be designed to fill gaps between the teeth and they are also popularly used to mask teeth staining and discolouration, including intrinsic tooth stains, which cannot be removed by teeth whitening procedures.

Are dental veneers suitable for you?

There are certain criteria which need to be taken into consideration before you can undergo cosmetic dental treatment with porcelain veneers. When you book an appointment to visit your dentist to find out more about porcelain veneers you will undergo a thorough examination of your teeth and gums to begin with. It is important that you have good oral health and that your teeth are clean and gums are strong and healthy. Any dental issues will have to be dealt with prior to undergoing cosmetic dental treatment. It is also important that you have a sufficient layer of enamel on the surface of your teeth for the veneers to be attached to. Once your dentist is happy with the health of your teeth and gums you can talk about the factors affecting your smile and what you are looking for from veneers. Your dentist will put together an individually tailored treatment plan to help you meet your expectations and achieve a beautiful smile very soon.

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