Nightmare Turned Reality: What May Cause Your Teeth to Fall Out

Pretty much everyone has had a nightmare wherein their teeth suddenly fall out either one by one or all at once. It is a relief to wake up having your complete set of teeth still hanging on strongly from your gums and showing no signs of letting go any time soon.

However, it could happen. Your teeth can fall out from your mouth due to several possible causes. You will need a tooth implant in order to regain your perfect smile.

Here are the medical conditions that cause teeth to fall out, and how you can prevent it from happening to you in real life.


Periodontitis, also known as gum disease, is an infection that damages the soft tissue in your mouth. If left untreated, it can also destroy the bone that supports the teeth, leading to tooth loss.

Periodontitis is one of the most common reasons for tooth loss. Around 47.2% of adults from ages 30 and above in the United States have some form of periodontal disease. Its prevalence increases with age, with 70.1% of seniors having periodontal disease.

Aside from age, certain factors may also lead to an increased risk of periodontitis. These include tobacco smoking, use of recreational drugs, vitamin C deficiency, obesity, decreased immunity, and diseases like diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. Among women, the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and menopause may result in periodontitis, too.

Tooth loss from periodontitis is preventable through following a healthy oral hygiene routine which includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing. Everyone should also regularly visit their dentist for preventative treatment.


Your chances of losing your teeth increase as you grow older.

Osteoporosis is the condition in which the density of your bones decreases. It can affect any bone in the body, including the ones in the jaw that holds the teeth in place.

Studies have linked osteoporosis and dental concerns. The portion of the jawbone that connects the teeth to the mouth is called the alveolar process and, as it weakens, the risk of experiencing teeth mobility or looseness rises, leading to tooth loss.

Moreover, low bone density can also result in dental problems. Women who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis have, in the past, experienced difficulties with ill-fitting dentures which can decrease one’s quality of life. They may get better results from oral surgical procedures.

It is not known whether osteoporosis treatment will improve tooth loss among patients, but it could prevent further deterioration later on if bone density is retained. Scientists are hopeful that optimizing skeletal bone density will also be beneficial to overall dental health.


Injuries resulting from an impact, whether from a vehicle or while playing sports, can cause tooth loss. A major blow in the head can dislodge a tooth from the socket and cause it to fall out of your mouth.

That is why a mouth guard is part of the uniform for players involved in contact sports such as football, hockey, basketball, and boxing. Anything that involves the potential for collision or touching can lead to oral-facial trauma which can result in tooth loss.

Aside from tooth loss, injuries may lead to a cracked tooth, root intrusion, and fractured roots.

In sports, wearing the right protective equipment and being always aware of your surroundings can prevent injuries. Injuries from accidents, however, are harder to prevent.


Female wearing face mask

It has not been officially listed as a side effect of COVID-19, but an increasing number of people claim that their teeth have fallen out following their fight with the highly-infectious and deadly disease.

One woman claimed that her 12-year-old child’s tooth had fallen out nine months after he tested positive for COVID-19. Later on, she shared that she brought the kid to an oral surgeon and found out that his bottom teeth have come “loose.” The boy did not have any dental problems before he was infected.

In November 2020, The New York Times also published an article about people who had COVID-19 and had experience with loose or have lost a tooth after they recovered.

There is still not enough evidence of COVID-19 affecting oral health, but a lot is still unknown about the disease and how it affects people long-term.

Teeth (or the lack of) have an impact on life. Those who lost a tooth or two can make eating certain foods more difficult. It may also result in noticeable speech impediment and a chance in one’s physical appearance. Moreover, tooth loss can have a negative effect on confidence.

Having a full set of teeth is, therefore, important. Prevent tooth loss by taking good care of your teeth and gums.

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