3 Signs of Autoimmune Diseases You’ve Probably Ignored

Autoimmune Disease

Most people who have autoimmune diseases don’t know that they have such a condition. A huge part of the reason for this is the fact that the symptoms can be easily dismissed as normal—like fatigue  as the result of too much stress at work or a recurring fever—as the body’s reaction to catching a bug. These seemingly non-serious symptoms are actually red flags for a serious disease already. That’s why if you experience the symptoms mentioned below for a prolonged period, then it’s time to get yourself checked:


People who have autoimmune diseases will always complain about extreme exhaustion, the kind that can’t be cured by full hours of sleep and keeps them from being able to focus. There are lots of possible reasons behind fatigue, depending on the kind of autoimmune disease you’re suffering from. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis patients, chronic inflammation is the culprit. As your immune system attacks the body, more inflammatory cytokines are released into the blood. As a result, the body becomes stressed as it copes with higher levels of inflammation. In the case of lupus, on the other hand, overactive nerve signals trigger fibromyalgia, which is very much linked to extreme tiredness. Sometimes, lupus fatigue is also due to depression. Since there are too many possible causes of fatigue, patients need a holistic treatment to be able to function well again. The autoimmune disease help principled health centers in Boise, such as RedRiver Health and Wellness Center, offer addresses not just the symptoms of health problems but also their root causes.


This is another health problem that often gets attributed to other illnesses. However, the reality is that lupus causes a butterfly-shaped rash across the face. Dermatomyositis, another autoimmune disorder, triggers rashes on the hands, around the eyes, or on the back. How your skin looks like can indicate how well your immune system works. Unusual changes on its appearance, such as rashes, may be a sign of high levels of inflammation in the body, wreaking havoc to your immune system. For this reason, some doctors highly recommend healthy, anti-inflammatory diet, which may include wild fish, dark, green leafy vegetables, and nuts. Herbs, such as turmeric and ginger, can also help. Exercise also helps reduce inflammation. It’s important, though, to consult your doctor first before getting into a new workout routine. You have to know which movements are safe for your health condition.


People who have autoimmune diseases also report terrible headaches. Although studies haven’t found a strong link yet between the disorder and such symptom, some experts found that most autoimmune disease patients had injuries in the nerve fibers in their brain, which might explain the recurring headaches. In some instances, it’s the medications for the autoimmune disorder that’s causing or exacerbating the headaches. Hence, it’s important to talk to your doctor about the side effects of drugs you’ll be taking so that you’ll know what to expect and how to manage. If there’s a natural alternative to managing the disease, that will be better.

It’s easy to overlook signs of autoimmune diseases because they look very much like non-serious adult symptoms. However, if you struggle with these for a prolonged period, it’s time you got yourself checked.

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